Cats Are Not Small Dogs

Our very own vet Judith Glushanok gave talk entitled “Cats are not small dogs” on Friday 16 March 18. We had an amazing and very interactive audience of around 30 people. They had ventured out in this cold dark night because of their interest and love for the feline species. We would like thank all our lovely clients, cat friendly people, friends and helpers who attended the talk.

A special thank you to New Start Cat Rescue who sold some of their beautiful cards, mugs and other merchandise and to vets Katie and Rosa from the VetsNow Emergency and Specialty Hospital in Swindon for coming along.

Here are some of the amazing facts about cats which were discussed at talk: 

  • The origins of the feline species Felis silvestris lybica (African wild cat) 
  • First law of catness: Dogs have owner’s cats have staff 
  • Second law of catness: The cat walks alone. They are not pack animals
  • We learned about cat’s senses, communication, learning, socialisation
  • Cats are not obligate social creatures
  • What cats want
  • Signs of stress in cats

 Judith’s talk was dedicated to her late cat Joshie 1989-2000. 

Don’t despair if you were unable to come to the first Cat Chat. We will organise a sequel late this year!